this project I created a journey that captures the movements of a photographer traveling through the
rainforest to get a shot of some of its amazing wildlife. The journey starts out in a canoe out on a river along the
rainforest. The canoe meets with land and the photographer makes their way through the dense forestry. The footsteps are slow and accompanied by the sounds of rain dripping, frogs, and birds. As the photographer moves further into the
rainforest the natural background sounds begin to increase in volume and move more to the middle ground. Briefly the walking ceases and listeners can hear the shutter of the camera going off. After the photographer captures their image they continue on to a new destination and all the sounds gradually fade out. Below is a list of the sounds I used in this piece and who the original creator was:
water paddling/canoe meeting land(crunching of underbrush):13792_
River sounds: 20787_wanna73_River_01
birds & bug: 13791_
survicalcampjumping into water:22866_
rain: 21091_
frogs: 18930_
tropical birds: 19257_
rainforestcamera shutter:7128_Bram_camera_shutter_and_rewind_notch_compressor
walking: recorded by me